Leveled Thinking
Level 0 What do I have?
i) In this level the only thing that matters is what cards are in my hand and what order I should play them in?
ii) How do I win this game given the cards available to me?
iii) This is the level where one learns the nuts and bolts of playing the game, and most players eventually advance to level 1
Level 1 What could my opponent have?
i) This is the level where your decision process takes into consideration what your opponent can have, and you play in a way that will maximize your chance of winning against the hand you have placeD him on
ii)What cards can be in my opponent’s deck?
iii)What are the consequences of them having those cards?
iv)If he has those cards what can I do?
Level 2 What does my opponent think I have?
i) At this level, the game is no longer about what just you think but begins to incorporate the thought processes of your opponent. It is at this level where players begin to understand the concept of bluffing
ii) Do I want to maximize or minimize the play of cards in my hand?
iii)Will he continue to play into my strategy or will he play safe?
Level 3 Level identification
i) Importance of proper identification of your opponent’s level has been established, the first logical question is “How do I identify my opponent’s level?
ii) If your opponent continually plays into everything possible and spends very little time thinking, they are most likely level 0.
iii) If your opponent plays around tricks but leaves essentially no ambiguity as to what’s in their hand, they are most likely level 1.
Level 4 How to play against people at different levels?
Once the important ask of level identification has been completed, it is then necessary to figure out how to use this information in order to help you win. Once an opponent’s level is identified it falls into one of three categories: The same, lower, or higher.